Blog: oral health

Dog getting its teeth brushed by a person

The Problem with Fake, White Teeth

Just recently one of my staff members showed me an advertisement for cosmetic dental cleanings from a pet store.

Closeup of a pet's broken tooth

OH NO… My pet broke a tooth! by Dr. Sarah Martin

Written by Dr. Sarah Martin How did it happen? They can break a tooth due to trauma like being hit by a car OR by chewing on something hard—we have seen many broken teeth after bones, dental chews and even chewing on ice. After the tooth is fractured, bacteria from...

Closeup of a cat's mouth

Ouch! What is Feline Chronic Gingivo-Stomatitis? (FCGS)

Written by Dr. Sarah Martin Feline Chronic Gingivo-Stomatitis simply means persistent inflammation of the gums and mouth in cats. Most cats have some degree of gingivitis (gum inflammation) and many have periodontal disease (infection below the gum line). Feline Chronic Gingivo-Stomatitis refers to the unfortunate few that have inflammation that...

Cat looking up with mouth slightly open

Top 3 Signs Your Pet Needs Dental Attention

Bad breath Just because Fluffy drinks out of the toilet doesn’t mean she should be suffering from bad breath.  Halitosis (bad breath) is a very common finding in our pets and is most commonly secondary to dental disease. Bleeding gums When you see blood on Rover’s toy after playing with...