Blog: Pet Nutrition & Wellness

X-ray of a pet

Signs of Heart Disease in Pets by Dr. Sarah Martin

Signs of heart problems are, of course, different in dogs versus cats. They rarely ever seem to read from the same textbook! Let’s talk about cats first. They are the ultimate secret keepers. We often do not know there is a problem until there is a LARGE problem—they are that...

Dog and cat sitting outdoors

Vaccination vs. Vaccine Titres by Dr. Brenda Gough

We have an increasing number of clients concerned about over-vaccinating their pets and looking for alternatives to vaccines for their family friends. We at Park Road are always considering the optimal health of our patients.  As such, we modified our vaccine protocol to minimize the vaccine load as much as...

Hot spot on a dog

Hotspots explained – How to Treat by Dr. Sarah Martin

A hot spot (acute moist dermatitis) is a superficial skin infection that results when the normal skin bacteria overrun the skin’s defenses as a result of damage to the skin surface. This is most often started by the dog or, less commonly the cat, chewing or scratching at the site. ...

Puppy and kitten against white background

First Vaccines for Puppies & Kittens by Dr. Ashley Woo

When should my puppy or kitten get his/her first shots? We recommend that puppies and kittens should get their first set of vaccines at around 8 weeks of age. The reason for this is because when new born puppies and kittens first nurse from their mother, they receive antibodies from...