Blog: Pet Nutrition & Wellness

Dog next to a plate of cookies

Sharing with Shadow: Which Human Foods Are Safe for Dogs to Eat?

We’ve all seen it – those plaintive, sad looking eyes staring up at us while we are eating. And we’ve all done it – snuck them a small piece of meat and told them not to tell.

dog fear

Fear Aggression and How to Help

Fear aggression – a behaviour that is usually a defensive one based on fear.

Owner sitting on grass with dog

Summer Fun with Your Pet

Summer has finally arrived! Okay, it’s not officially summer, but the weather is a vast improvement from what it was in April! Warm weather, plants growing and birds chirping can be quite invigorating as we make that winter to summer changeover.

Pets and Seizures

Nerves or Normal?

Everyone can usually tell a tale of someone who walks or talks in their sleep. Have you ever seen some of the YouTube clips of pets moving their legs or lips when they are sleeping? – It’s pretty funny!