Blog: Pet Safety

Golden Retriever dog holding a first aid kit

First Aid Tips For Our Pets by Diane Black

What would you do for the safety of your children? What would you do for the safety of yourself or a relative?  How far would you go to save their life? Would you seek out the most immediate care if medical treatment were needed? Would you administer first aid on...

Can I give my pet…

Written by Dr. Sarah Martin If your pet is a cat then the answer is pretty much, NO! Tylenol will kill cats. Other human medications are either dangerous or in way too big of a dose to give your cat.  Please, never, ever give your cat human medication unless you...

Puppy blocking its ears and looking up

Loud Noises & Your Pet

Written by Amy Hanchiruk I would love think summer is close by but I can’t say when for sure it will arrive. What I can tell you is that with summer comes storms and fireworks!  Along with those loud noises comes a whole lot of fear in pets. Both my...