Blog: Services


Cat Neutering and Spaying

Neutering/spaying involves a surgical procedure to make your cat sterile, or unable to have or produce kittens. It is important for population control and it offers a number of other benefits as well.


Cat Dental Care

Dental disease or periodontal disease is the most widespread disease associated with 80% of dogs and 70% of cats. It can lead to irritated gums, painful dental infections, tooth loss and can cause bacteria to travel through the bloodstream and compromise vital organs. Fortunately, with a proper dental routine designed...


Overweight Cat Help

Obesity in cats is a growing concern among the veterinary industry. Studies have revealed that obesity can be linked to organ failure, diabetes, arthritis and even premature death.


Cat Deworming

Worms? Yuck! Don't worry - it happens to the best of pets. Our veterinarians can help you to get the correct dewormer for your cat and can discuss ways to help prevent reinfestation. Give the clinic a call for more information.