Blog: Physical examination

Dachshund dog getting ears examined by a veterinarian


THE SKIN!!!! Author: Dr. Brenda Gough This is a good time of year to talk about skin!!  So many of our pets suffer from one form of skin disease or another. When we do the physical exam, as I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, there’s a lot of time and attention...

Dog getting a physical exam

The Physical Exam: The Heart and Lungs

Author: Dr. Brenda Gough ….only the two most important organs in the body….! When your pet comes in for an exam, one of our animal care attendants has a listen to the heart.  They are taking measurements for us – they do a temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate for...

Veterinarian examining a cat

The Physical Examination: The Series, Part Three: The Nose, Ears, Eyes And Throat Author: Dr. Brenda Gough

NOSE The nose seems like such a simple thing, and you probably don’t even notice that we are looking at it. We are checking for a lot of things.   As they are growing, do they have stenotic nares, (a narrowing of the nasal passages that causes severe difficulty in...

Veterinarian examining a cat

Physical Exam Series: THE ABDOMEN Author: Dr. Brenda Gough

Wow!  There’s a lot of stuff in there….. I’m sure it looks like I’m just squishing their belly.  There’s a whole lot of things I’m doing while I’m palpating an abdomen. The abdomen contains many very important organs.   There’s the liver, the gallbladder,  the spleen, the kidneys, the adrenal glands,...