Blog: General

Dachshund dog getting ears examined by a veterinarian

Stinky Pet Ears by Dr. Sarah Martin

Oh my… what is the smell? As warmer weather is coming there are a number of conditions we see with more frequency at a vet clinic. One of them is stinky ears.  Stinky ears are itchy. Most commonly it is a yeast otitis—an overgrowth of yeast in the external ear...

Closeup of a cat's mouth

Ouch! What is Feline Chronic Gingivo-Stomatitis? (FCGS)

Written by Dr. Sarah Martin Feline Chronic Gingivo-Stomatitis simply means persistent inflammation of the gums and mouth in cats. Most cats have some degree of gingivitis (gum inflammation) and many have periodontal disease (infection below the gum line). Feline Chronic Gingivo-Stomatitis refers to the unfortunate few that have inflammation that...

Dog lying in bed

Help! My pet vomited! Do I need to go to the vet?

Written by Dr. Sarah Martin Well…maybe. Let’s face it. If you live with pets, either dogs or cats, occasionally you will have to deal with some throw up.  Very intermittent and irregular vomiting episodes can be no cause for concern. For example the dog that throws up his breakfast but...

Dog holding a bone against white background

Why Veterinarians HATE bones…

By Dr. Sarah Martin Jazz had a great Christmas. She was given a ham bone as a gift and went to town. She loved it! On Boxing Day Jazz’s family decided to take her to our local emergency clinic, Brant Norfolk Veterinary Clinic because she was straining to defecate. The...