
Test kit

My veterinarian mentioned running some other tests/procedures? What would those be for?

(Diabetes Series – Part 7) Author: Kathy Raepple Your veterinarian may recommend additional diagnostic testing depending on how your cat has been responding to the insulin injections.  There are several different tests that may be recommended and for several different reasons: Urinalysis with Urine Culture This test is done to...

Two puppies with glass vials

Pipe-hose Diarrhea and Vomiting – Parvovirus Case Study

Author: Dr. Jenny Kungl Every day we examine patients that may have episodes of vomiting and/or diarrhea in their history. Some of those patients are diagnosed with Parvovirus, which as you already know if you read the previous blog on Parvovirus, is a preventable disease with vaccination. So, the most...

Veterinarian examining a cat

The Physical Examination: The Series, Part Three: The Nose, Ears, Eyes And Throat Author: Dr. Brenda Gough

NOSE The nose seems like such a simple thing, and you probably don’t even notice that we are looking at it. We are checking for a lot of things.   As they are growing, do they have stenotic nares, (a narrowing of the nasal passages that causes severe difficulty in...

Stella the dog in a Time Out basket

Where are they now? The Ongoing Antics of The Shish Kabob.

By:  Dr. Sarah Martin. So a few days ago, Stella came in for her annual exam, vaccine update and heartworm prevention. I asked for an update, and wow, did I ever get some great and crazy stories! It seems the list of what Stella will eat is endless….as well as...