
Dog spending time outdoors

MYTHBUSTERS: Featuring Heartworm Disease

Written by Dr. Brenda Gough Q. WHY DO I HAVE TO TEST FOR HEARTWORM WHEN MY DOG LIVES IN AN APARTMENT? Heartworm is transmitted by mosquitos.  Mosquitos are everywhere!  Simple as that!  At least once every other year we are faced with a little apartment dog who is positive for...

Zoey the dog

This is Zoey: Her Heartworm Story

This is Zoey.  She was a very sweet Chocolate Lab. She came to live with me in May of 2002 and began her new life at my home. As it turned out she was also starting her treatment. She was 6 years old and she had heartworm…  I would like...

Cat-friendly room at Park Road Veterinary Clinic

Our Cat Friendly Room

We all know cats are their own boss and it can be hard to please them. Coming to the vet can be stressful and scary, so our Brantford animal hospital have created a special room just for them! In this room we have decorated the wall with a lovely, bird...

Telly and Breeze the clinic cats

Interview with Clinic Cats: Telly & Breeze by Kathy Raepple

Telly & Breeze thank you for meeting with us today.  We’re very excited to find out what you both think about being here, meeting other animals, and life in general! Telly:  Thanks for being interested.  I can’t wait to answer your questions! Breeze:  This is kind of weird, but ok. ...